Acupuncture is a treatment whose roots are based in ancient Chinese medicine. Medical acupuncture is an evidence-based practice following a diagnosis of your problem, which involves very thin needles being pushed through the skin which are then left in position for a short period of time. The number of needles varies but will be as few as possible. Your practitioner will assess your individual case and treatment will be tailored to your needs.
There is increasing evidence that acupuncture is effective for treating Low Back Pain, arthritis of the knees and some types of headaches, however, acupuncture can be used in combination alongside osteopathic treatment for a wide range of conditions.
Treatment is relatively painless, and most people are very surprised how little it hurts. Unlike having an injection, acupuncture needles are fine and therefore create virtually no pain on insertion. Occasionally after treatment people can feel tired, thirsty and can have a small bruise from the site of the needle, however, these are all minor.
Acupuncture stimulates the nerves in the skin and muscle and can produce a variety of effects. It is mainly known to increase the body’s release of natural painkillers - endorphin and serotonin - in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain, and modifies the way pain signals are received, to help reduce your pain.
Treatment frequency may be once a week to begin with, then at longer intervals as the condition responds. A typical course of treatment lasts 5 to 8 sessions, depending upon your individual case.
Our practitioners who use acupuncture in their treatments are members of The British Medical Acupuncture Society, an organisation of regulated health professionals who practise acupuncture alongside more conventional techniques. It is the stated mission of the BMAS to encourage the use and scientific understanding of acupuncture within medicine for the public benefit. They believe that acupuncture has an important role to play in health care today.
Unsurprisingly, many people are worried about a treatment involving needles! The needles themselves are very fine and don’t feel like a normal injection/blood test to have inserted. Occasionally there is a small pricking sensation as the needle is placed in the skin, but generally people have a warm, heavy sensation which is usually quite pleasant.
Some patients may experience a small amount of bruising at the site a needle was placed or may feel very tired after treatment. Rarely, some people can feel faint. Acupuncture generally has less side effects than most drug treatments, and most people experience no problems from treatment. We will always discuss side effects with you before treatment and give you aftercare advice on the day.
You may find you feel very relaxed and sleep better following your first treatment. However, it may take several treatments before you notice much real improvement. Treatments are normally given at weekly intervals, though some people may need more or less time between treatments. Most people need between 3 to 8 treatments, and some people need to return for regular “top up” treatments every few months. If you have not noticed any improvement after 3 treatments, we will review your individual needs and discuss your treatment with you to move forwards in the best way for you.
When you first come into clinic for an appointment, we will have an in-depth discussion about your pain and how it’s effecting you, filling in a case history form with our findings. We will examine you by looking at how your body moves, along with any relevant tests that are necessary such testing your reflexes, checking your muscle function, and ensuring there are no “red flags” that mean you’re not safe to treat. Once we have a clear picture of what’s happening for you, we will discuss this with you and then proceed with treatment.
We often ask people to undress to their underwear so we can see exactly how your body is moving, but we appreciate that some people prefer not to undress for a variety of reasons. If this is the case, we welcome you to wear small sports style shorts and a minimalist strappy top.