By using this website you are accepting that Nene Valley Osteopathy Ltd may set cookies on your computer or mobile device. The cookies we use at Nene Valley Osteopathy Ltd do not collect any personal information about you and they cannot harm your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Our use of cookies allows our website to work, it also helps us understand what information is most useful to our visitors. The most popular web browsers all allow you to manage cookies. You can choose to accept or reject all cookies, or just allow specific types of cookie. Please refer to the instructions or the online help files available via your relevant browser if you wish to manage cookies in this way, or you can visit the links below for further information:



Please note, that if cookies are disabled or removed, not all features of our website may operate as intended.

How We Use Cookies - Some cookies help us understand how our website is used by visitors, so that we can improve what we do online. We use analytics tools for this but no personal information about you is collected. We look at things like how long web pages have taken to load, what information visitors spend longest on and what pages are most popular. They also help find website sections that aren't working as well as they should so we can rectify things.

Types of Cookies Used by Nene Valley Osteopathy Ltd

First-party cookies - These cookies are set by Nene Valley Osteopathy Ltd and they include Web Analytics cookies.

Third-party cookies - These cookies are not set by Nene Valley Osteopathy Ltd but instead by selected partners with whom we work. They do not collect or send any personal information about you but do enable additional website functionality. We also use social media cookies on our website to enable you to share our content through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. These sites all set their own cookies, which we don't control. You might wish to check their websites to find out more about their cookie policies.